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The MOVES Project Artists: &

Oct 27, 2011


1 o'clock Sunday, October 30th, 2011
St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York City

Dancers: Karesia Batan, Anna Brown Massey
Performance:  18 minutes

On the Sunday of Halloween weekend, we got SPOOOOKY in diaphonous saffron & flowing white robes. We faced the cathedral's facade for inspirations from the sculpted stories and saints, unleashing movement both impish and uncanny. While offering handheld treats to the spirits and onlookers, we created what developed into a linear duet as the remnants of early snow inspired a natural stage between the church stairs and sidewalk.  Within both our costumes and the cathedral's facade, we found the freedom and challenge of blending our personal choices of movement, mood, and relationship. A duet improvisation encourages more contact, a practice where dance is communication in its most raw form.

After a full year of The Moves Project, we hope you have enjoyed our studies and discoveries with us thus far!
Photos by Nimi Kadar