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The MOVES Project Artists: &

Feb 9, 2011


Outside the Box
1pm Sunday, February 27th
Astor Place, New York City
Dancers:  KB and ABM
Length:  25 minutes

Video Music:  clip from "There's a Hole in My Bucket"/Reservation Hall Band, 
and live music from nearby street musicians that inspired the sound theme!

Thank you to all who sought us out and to the spontaneous audience of  passer-by who stopped to experience us forming a linear pair! Sunday's sun lit up our cubic costumes and geometric movement, and Astor Place's central location provided audience involvement. We continue to find dancing with iconic street sculptures reveals a varying range for improvisation development. Size, landscape, and purpose of the art constantly shift the balance between interacting with each other and the sculpture. We plan to further investigate the cube in the future with a quartet of performers, so stay tuned!
Photos/Nimi Kadar